Humans have always craved healthy lifestyles and went out of their way to find out how and what they can do in order to have a better quality of life and live longer. It took hundreds and thousands of years before they finally cracked down on the truth and realized what needed to be done for the species to prosper on this field. Once vitamins were discovered, nothing was the same.
Vitamin supplements are nothing new in the modern world where everything (well, most things at least) your body needs to maintain its health can be found inside of small, easy to consume capsules, pills, bottles, and tubes. Vitamins and other nutrients and elements like iron, potassium, zinc, beta carotene, and a slew of others are easily available in groceries and pharmacies because they are over-the-counter commodities anyone can buy and consume on a daily basis.
However, there is one type that is sadly still not getting enough attention and traction despite its many benefits for the human body. That is of course the famed Vitamin D. The year 2024 brought upon us a challenge like nothing we have ever seen, as we had to isolate ourselves and remain in quarantine for days on end. Considering the fact that most of us now try to stay indoors as much as possible since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, our natural doses of Vitamin D from the sun have become lower and out bodies slowly suffer.
It is in this article that you will find out why you should start taking more Vitamin D every day. According to the experts at, here is where and how you should get your regular dose of Vitamin D and what it will do for your overall well-being.
What You Can Get Out Of Vitamin D
1. Bone Health

First of all, vitamin D is tagged as “the bone vitamin”. It regulates the manner in which calcium is absorbed by your body and stabilizes the levels of phosphorus in your bloodstream. Both of these nutrients are essential in bone strength and maintenance, resulting in stronger and more individuals.
There is a misconception running amuck that Vitamin D is essential only for children and for their bone development, as well as for combating rickets. This is a bone-deficiency disease that makes bones softer than they should be. However, this is not scientifically true as everyone benefits from an increased intake of the D vitamin.
Adults need Vitamin D so as to reduce the risk of osteomalacia, especially as bones regress in strength and density as we grow older. Though this is more prevalent in the elderly, studies have shown that even those who are 30 and above are prone to poor bone health, even if they are perfectly healthy. Along with this, osteoporosis is another ailment that targets bones, and Vitamin D can slow down, or even halt its occurrence. Overall, there is no divide on who should or should not take this vitamin since you will benefit from it no matter your age.
2. Muscle Strength

Along with our bones, our muscles also go through a kind of natural decline as we become older. They become less and less toned because of tissue weakening, as well as an overall deceleration of processes in the nervous system (heightened with lack of nutrients and exercise). Though these cannot be halted 100%, their negative effects can be somewhat mitigated and slowed down.
Vitamin D is one of the keys to how this can be done the healthiest way possible, without any side effects. Along with a proper diet, the right protein intake, regular exercise, and healthy life choices, it can bring muscle mass back to a state of well-being. When this happens, muscles will be less brittle and rigid. They will be much stronger, too, and make you feel slightly younger than you are as well as more mobile.
3. Immune System Support

Moving on to the next great positive of taking the vitamin, it is one of the types of vitamins that have been known to assist in supporting the overall state of the immune system. Several studies have revealed that Vitamin D is among those which reduces risks leading to acute respiratory infection. In other words, it helps strengthen your respiratory system which can always use a breath of fresh air (pun absolutely intended).
The proper amount and the correct intake of Vitamin D will boost your immune system so as to be less susceptible to viruses and bacteria, including conditions like influenza, respiratory ailments, inflammations, and infections that lead to immune system-enfeebling.
4. Weight Loss

There have been studies regarding the correlation between Vitamin D deficiency and weight loss. You will be surprised to know that it has been found that people with a sufficient intake of Vitamin D were able to lose weight faster than those who did not include it as a supplement. Therefore, if you are looking to lose some weight and become healthier, start taking Vitamin D as soon as possible.
Remember however that It is not a miracle weight loss pill that sheds off pounds in an instant. It is, however, an additional aid in fat reduction by strengthening muscles and increasing muscle mass. Combined with the right diet and exercise, it can really help you do wonders and achieve the look you were aiming for.
Conclusion and Takeaways
As you can see from what was written above, there is practically no reason you should not start taking Vitamin D on a daily basis. It is a very easy habit to include into your schedule, as most consumers take one pill in the morning after breakfast, and one in the afternoon right after having lunch. Depending on how many milligrams of the vitamin there is in each pill, it may be enough to take only one every day after breakfast. It is also quite affordable. We promise that you will feel better, stronger, and happier after only a few weeks of regular Vitamin D doses. Join millions of people who have made it an integral part of their supplement lineup and diets, and you will not regret it!