Marketers tracking your every online step, massive data breaches, shady individuals exploring your photos on social media pages – the list of digital dangers and annoyances goes on. But, you should not be completely hopeless since there are ways that you can control your data. In this article, you will be able to read about the 6 simple steps for protecting your online privacy. Let’s take a look at the list:
Check Your Social Media Privacy Settings

If you have accounts on social media platforms, those networks will have a lot of information about you and you might be shocked at how much of it is visible by default to anyone on the Internet. That is why it is suggested that you check the privacy settings. You can actually decide what information you want to share with stranger versus your family members and friends. You can change the settings on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Snapchat, and other platforms as well.
Do not Use Public Storage for Private Information
Keep in mind that oversharing is not limited to social media platforms. You should never use online services that are meant for sharing information to store your sensitive, private data. For instance, Dropbox is not the best place to save your scanned ID and Google Docs is not perfect for storing your passwords. If you are willing to learn more about the use of information and privacy online, as well as GDPR Compliance, visit Tironem.
Evade Tracking

When you visit any website, the browser will disclose a lot of stuff about you and your browser history. Marketers then use that information to profile you and target you with advertisements. Incognito mode cannot really prevent such tracking, hence, you will need some special tools. For example, you can use private browsing in Kaspersky Internet Security to avoid being tracked.
Keep Your Main Phone Number and Email Private
If you share your phone number and email address it is likely that you will be flooded by spam mail in your inbox and dozens of bot calls on your phone. Even if you sometimes cannot avoid sharing info with online stores or services, do not share them with random people on the Internet. Instead, consider making a separate email to subscribe and use online stores and services.
Use Secure Passwords

Using weak passwords to protect your account or your information is as good as telling each person that passes by you your password. It can be difficult to remember a long, unique password, but a password manager can help you memorize everything with just one, maser password. Consider using 12 characters with upper and lowercase letters, as well as adding symbols and numbers to your password.
Stay Private on Wi-Fi Networks Outside Your Home

Public Wi-Fi networks do not encrypt the traffic which means that anyone on the same network as you can snoop on your traffic. You can avoid transmitting any data – such as passwords, credit card numbers, logins, data, and so on – over a public Wi-Fi network by using a VPN that will encrypt your data and protect it from anyone that wants to snoop around.
These simple steps can help you with improving your online privacy. By implementing the steps from this article, you can protect your sensitive data. Trust me, you will thank yourself later.