Many students are genuinely excited about writing essays. They see them as a way to express their opinions and state their arguments. But for some, writing essays is a daunting task. It requires creativity and concentration combined with excellent writing skills and knowledge of academic writing requirements.
Both these groups would be interested in finding out a magic formula that turns a basic assignment into an excellent one. Professional writers from Essay Pro reassure that there are simple steps following which you can reach perfection with your writing.
Do you want to know the secret of writing a killer essay? Read ahead.
Pick a Great Topic

Of course, this tip is not a universal one. Sometimes, you do not get to choose the topic. The teacher does it for you. However, if you are in the position to select your topic or if you are free to choose any topic you want within a certain framework, make sure you choose the one that really makes you interested in writing it.
Your enthusiasm for a topic directly correlates with the quality of your writing. To write well, you need to be inspired and interested.
Read Other People’s Essays
There is nothing wrong with reading all available samples on your topic or related ones. It is not called plagiarism as long as you don’t ‘borrow’ someone’s ideas without referencing them.
You need to read other samples to know how to organize your essay and what to write in it. Also, they help in understanding how you can present your arguments and what ideas need evidence. The more you read, the more different techniques you start noticing.
Create an Outline

Before getting started with your assignment, create an outline or a mind map so that you have a plan to follow. Such an outline will help you stick to the topic without any deviation. Also, a strong plan to follow will help you keep the academically required structure.
Remember, for your essay to look and read well, you need to make it logically organized. You cannot jump from one idea to another. Therefore, a real mind map to stick to should definitely help you.
Take Notes Along the Way
Writing cohesively and consistently is one of the most difficult tasks. When you are only getting started, a stream of different ideas and thoughts will come to your mind. It is hard to arrange these ideas without losing some of them.
Therefore, it makes sense to have a piece of paper and a pen at hand with you so that you can take notes of the most interesting ideas of yours. You may not be able to write them down in your essay right now, but you can take advantage of these ideas later.
Analyze Your Vocabulary

Based on your audience and topic, you need to decide what vocabulary you can use. If your assignment is for a Biochemistry class, you will be using terminology that is not understood by a wider audience. Analyze your readers and decide how you can make your essay easy to understand and interesting for many.
Begin with The Body
This is quite an unusual tip for students, but it is very useful. When you start writing, it is important to state your ideas first. Often, it is the body that determines where your essay will go. Later, you can come up with a perfect introduction. As for the conclusion, it naturally comes after the introduction and body sections.
Refer to What Other People Think

It is not wrong to reference others’ ideas in your assignment. On the contrary, it can make your position stronger. Also, it will help you develop your argument relying on others’ works.
However, it is important to format such references appropriately. If you use more than two words from one’s book, essay, or speech, you need to reference them. Make sure to follow one of the required academic referencing styles (APA, MLA, Chicago, or others). Adherence to such rules is very important in academic writing.
Write a Strong Thesis Statement
A good thesis statement does not only describe what you have decided to focus on in your essay. It also captures the attention of your audience. If you fail to write a ‘catchy’ thesis statement, your assignment will not receive due attention.
Moreover, in your conclusion, you will most definitely make recourse to your thesis statement. Since the biggest part of your reflections on the topic will be featured in the body section. The evidence you will use and the ideas you will share will determine whether your thesis is justified or not.
Check Your Tone

Every essay requires a particular tone. You cannot write a persuasive essay the same way you write a creative one. Make sure you chose the right tone and style of writing before getting started in order to not have to rewrite the entire paper later.
Proofread Your Essay
Whatever your essay is, it is always a good idea to re-read it once or twice before the submission. Also, copy your text into a spell or grammar check to find out what mistakes you made and how you can improve your essay. Do not think that grammar errors are not about you. They happen, and they can compromise your entire work.
Also, pay attention to your syntax and punctuation. Do not use too long and obscure sentences. It makes it hard to understand what you mean. Split them up. However, you should also avoid writing too simple if your assignment is of a graduate level.
Final Words
All the aforementioned tips are key to the successful writing of a killer essay. They are all essential for making your writing meaningful and academically correct. Make sure you follow all of them, and your 10 Practical Tips for Writing Excellent Essays in College
Many students are genuinely excited about writing essays. They see them as a way to express their opinions and state their arguments. But for some, writing essays is a daunting task. It requires creativity and concentration combined with excellent writing skills and knowledge of academic writing requirements.
Both these groups would be interested in finding out a magic formula that turns a basic essay into an excellent one. Professional writers from Essay Pro reassure that there are simple steps following which you can reach perfection with your writing.
Do you want to know the secret of writing a killer essay? Read ahead.