Tag Archives: Password

Online Security Tips for Working From Home

As we’ve discovered during the last year, working from home has its pros and cons. Its benefits include cost-effectiveness, convenience, and schedule flexibility, while its disadvantages include communication impediments, teamwork struggles, and an increased risk of cyber-attacks. This article will focus on arguably the most dreaded and detrimental downside of …

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Protect Yourself Via Technology in a Divorce: Urgent Steps to Undertake

Is it important to take care of the security of your electronic data during a divorce? Absolutely yes! Many people forget that during a happy family life there were no secrets regarding mail passwords, social networks and so on. Moreover, many people forget to change these passwords when a divorce …

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Cryptocurrency Uses in Security Technology

Cryptocurrency and blockchain have already taken the tech world by storm and are, according to experts, only going to increase in value, usefulness, and significance over time. Although initially designed to make money transactions easier, more secure, and faster, this financial technology, referred to as fintech for short, now has …

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