It is essential to store any food properly in order to avoid food poisoning or cross-contamination. The rules must be of high importance when it’s about such provender as seafood. Proper preservation ensures not only a reduced risk of expiry but also better quality, taste, and flavor. In this article, you will learn how to store caviar properly as given by
Factors to Pay Attention to
Although caviar is perishable, the proper storing conditions aren’t hard to follow. The main rule is that you had better keep it in a fridge. However, unopened caviar may stay on the shelf for a period of 6 -12 months if well-canned. Such an extended timeframe isn’t a must. Mostly, it means that there are plenty of additives that keep fish eggs fresh.
Once you open it, don’t risk leaving the delicacy outside. The warm temperature is an ideal environment for bacteria to grow. Caviar can stay out of a fridge for a couple of hours before getting expired. In case the temperature is 90F and above, the timeframe reduces to one hour only. Although some claim that it’s safe to keep the delicious relish outside for 24 hours, it’s better not to risk.
Several aspects define the exact way of storing caviar. Here are the ones to pay attention to:
Type of Package

A package is a foremost aspect which you should take into account. In general, there are two main categories:
- Canned caviar – It’s safe to store it outside the refrigerator as long as it remains closed. Once you open it, preserve it in the fridge. The optimum period of time is up to three days.
- Not canned caviar – you can keep a frozen one in your freezer for about 12 months. Thawed one must be kept in a sealed container in the refrigerator. Once again, it’s better not to exceed three days after it’s been opened.
Refrigerator: The Exact Spot and Temperature
Another important aspect is the exact place in the fridge. It’s advisable to choose the coldest spot, which is on the very bottom. As the hot air always rises, the bottom shelf is the best place. It also reduces contamination risks. Basically, if caviar juices leak out, they will spoil other food in your fridge.
Once again, you must strictly mind the temperature in the refrigerator. The optimum one is 28-32F. Unfortunately, not all coolers can reach or maintain it. In this case, prepare an ice pack and place it on top of the package. Don’t forget to check it and change it for a new one, if necessary.
While storing the caviar in the fridge, it’s advisable to minimize its exposure to air. Air can damage the freshness. For instance, the oil can vanish, which will lead to dry fish eggs. Moreover, it will prevent the distribution of the smell around the refrigerator.
Some people prefer to freeze caviar. It’s a good option to keep it for a long time. You can store an unopened one for about a year in such conditions. But keep in mind that the quality will suffer. First of all, extreme temperature impacts the flavor and texture. It loses the delicate taste and softness.
How to Serve Caviar Properly

Serving caviar properly is as important as storing. You should always keep in mind that it may quickly expire in warm temperature conditions. Therefore, it should be the first thing to eat.
If you want to satisfy the appetite with such a delicacy all evening, place it in the cool environment. Ice packs are the knight in the shining armor. A bowl of crushed ice won’t only keep the caviar under the proper condition but also can become a unique decoration for an open buffet.
It’s better to serve the caviar in original jars. This way, it’ll be easier to place it in the ice to keep it fresh. Alongside this, the guests will be able to learn about the product by reading its labeling.
Here are some tips on how to serve caviar properly to preserve maximum taste:

- If you store unopened fish eggs outside the fridge, place it there for a couple of hours before serving. Chilled caviar is always more delicious. It’s advisable to take it out about 10 minutes before serving. Open the jar directly before consumption.
- Spooning must always be gentle. The roe is highly fragile and tender. Thus, you can easily destroy it. Though it may not impact the taste a lot, the look will suffer significantly.
- It’s advisable to use a non-metal spoon while serving caviar. Even if your flatware is made from such metal like silver, it can still leave the unpleasant flavor on fish eggs. Instead, choose spoons made from glass, tortoiseshell, bone, or pearl.
- Caviar should be the last thing to serve. Even if it’s a part of the dish, remember never to cook it. This will toughen the roes.
What to Serve with Caviar
High-quality, expensive caviar is a self-sufficient delicacy. You can serve it with several types of alcohol. The most common options are cold vodka or dry white wine. However, if it’s not a separate appetizer, dish it out in the following way:

- Place it over anything from pancakes to crackers. Slightly buttered bread is another idea. You can toast the bread a bit to add some crispy notes to the gastronomic ornament.
- Serve the caviar with an egg. You can also add some sauce to spice up the appetizer. The easiest recipe is a mayonnaise-based one.
- Cooked vegetables are another good companion for fish eggs. For example, you can offer a dish of cooked carrots with goat’s whey and some roes.
It goes without saying that there are dozens of ways to eat caviar. It depends on your personal preferences. Any dish is likely to impress your guests as caviar itself is a delicacy. To enjoy the unforgettable taste, buying high-quality roes isn’t enough. You must also store and serve it properly.