As a Software As A Service (SaaS) provider, you aim to land as many clients as possible. Many clients translate to more sales, which leads to the realization of your bottom line. So, how do you get more clients?
With the rise in digitization, you should take advantage of having a digital presence. One way to have a digital presence is through your company website. However, you must drive traffic to it. It’s the only way to increase the possibility of conversions and make sales.
How will you drive website traffic? It’s simple: search engine optimization (SEO). Search engines will use SEO to rank you among searches. A good SEO strategy will rank you among the top in searches related to the SaaS industry.
How will you create a working SEO strategy, you might ask. Here’s a guide to assist you:
Learn About The Saas Industry

The ideal SEO strategy is the one that works for your industry. Therefore, starting by learning about the SaaS industry is important.
During this search, please find out the ideal clients of the industry and the many solutions it solves. Broaden your search on the clients and find out what they aim to achieve from SaaS service providers. It could be 24/7 services, flexible payment options, and customized solutions.
You should ensure that your SaaS solution meets these needs. It should be the bare minimum of your service provision. By meeting these needs, you’ll position yourself well in the industry.
Also, find out the issues the ideal clients face in their industry. This information will help you know the content to add to your website to attract them there. It’ll benefit your SEO strategy.
When selecting a Los Angeles SEO Company, you should also make sure that they are experienced in working with local businesses. This will ensure that they understand the unique needs of your business and can create an SEO strategy that is tailored to your specific needs.
Please also do this for your SaaS company. Once you understand your goals and target audience, you’ll know the best SEO strategies to adopt that resonate with them. Visit websites such as to understand the correlation between SaaS and SEO better.
Find Relevant Keywords
Your SEO ranking often relies on the keywords you use on your website. Should a search engine user type keywords that appear on your site, search engines will present your website on their search page results. They’ll see your website and likely click on it to find the information they need.
The better your keywords, the higher you’ll rank, and the more likely you’ll drive traffic to your website. Therefore, finding relevant keywords to use on your website is important.
Some platforms can help you to find these words and will even enable you to narrow the search to your specific niche, region, and other aspects. You’ll get the best words to use for your type of SaaS business.
Study Your Competitors

The best strategy, SEO or not, should make you stand out from your competitors. One way of ensuring this is by studying your competitors.
In this case, you want to study other SaaS companies that offer similar services to yours, including those that might differ slightly. As SEO is greatly related to a website, this is where you should do your research.
Start by scrutinizing the websites of competitors that are more successful than yours. Look at their site’s loading speeds, the keywords they use, and the architecture of their site. These are some of the metrics used by search engines in SEO ranking. Adopt the same on your website. Organize your website by using a menu and adopting the right font if your website looks disorganized.
The aim is to create a good first impression for guests visiting your site. You want to keep them longer on your site to reduce your bounce rate, another SEO-ranking metric.
For the competitors whose performance ranks below yours, visit their websites and find out what isn’t working for them. This insight will help you to know the mistakes to not make on your website. Studying your competitors helps you learn from others and minimize mistakes due to the lack of know-how.
Get Into Partnerships
It’s said that you can do so little alone, but with others, you can do so much. It’s a phrase you should adopt for your SaaS marketing strategy by partnering with other websites.
The strategy is to take advantage of link-building and backlinks. With link building, you’ll add other websites’ links to your website. It’ll be an added advantage to work with websites that already have authority in their industry. With these sites linked to your website, it, more or less, proves your credibility to search engines because domain authorities trust you enough to associate with you.
Backlinking works the other way around by having your website links on other websites. While link building mainly focuses on building authority, backlinking increases traffic to your website.
As you enter these partnerships, ensure you share the same beliefs and culture with the companies. You don’t want to be associated with a brand whose beliefs don’t align with your target audience. It’ll harm your business by making you lose clients due to a bad reputation.
Create Quality Content

The ideal business website does more than advertise your products and services. It should add value for the guest on your site. You can achieve this by adopting content marketing; it’ll fuel your SEO strategy.
With content marketing, you could write blogs on topics that affect your SaaS target audience. Suppose your SaaS software serves the accounting industry. Your blogs could give insight into the best accounting practices to adopt, how to bookkeep, prepare invoices, and many more.
How will this help your SEO? Guests will find your website to be quite resourceful. As a result, they’ll spend more time on it, reducing your bounce rate. Also, they’ll keep visiting your site for insight into their accounting operations. Search engines will note this and establish you as one with authority in the accounting industry. It’ll boost your SEO ranking.
The best SaaS SEO strategy is the one that meets all your company needs. It should also better your customers’ user experience on your website. The discussion above has given a guide on finding the best strategy to use for your SEO. It’s best that you consider implementing it as you forge forward with your SaaS marketing. The guide will make the process easier; it’ll be like a checklist for your SEO.