
10 Best Android Apps That Are Worth Downloading in 2024

As technology evolves, so do our everyday lives, too. In the past, we did not have access to the limitless resources we have now, so we tried to manage the best we could. When we wanted to learn a new language, we attended a language course. If we wanted to …

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IoT and Some of Its Top Applications

As technology is increasing its presence and becoming commonplace in many areas, the world is becoming smarter and more connected due to it. Digital devices are everywhere, not only in our pockets or offices, but in homes, buildings, and many other places. In the last five years, the term ‘Internet …

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5 Cost-Saving Tips For Affordable Small Batch PCB Assembly

Contemporary electronic devices could not ever work properly if the electronic components were not properly connected. Today, such a connection is impossible without PCBs. PCB is a part of electronic devices that one can even make at home if skilled enough in electronics – but they are usually made in …

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How To Build A 3D Scanner – 2024 Guide

Doing everything yourself makes you confident enough to try new things without worrying about failure. If you have always wondered what it would be like to have a 3D scanner at home, it is now time to build one. One can easily change the way they 3D print by doing …

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Is It Possible to Track Someone’s Mobile Phone Without a SIM Card?

Losing your mobile is a painful experience for everyone. Some smartphones are quite expensive, so you must have spend thousands on them. But accidentally, when you lose them, you lose all your invested money. A risk of leaking data is there from your mobile if it gets into someone else’s …

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Do You Need Interconnected Smoke Alarms?

When it comes to your home, you’ll want to make sure that you take the best possible precautions in order to ensure your safety. One of the most important things you can do to protect yourself, your family, and your home is to install interconnected smoke alarms throughout your house. …

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How to Fix Frozen Mac Issue Without Losing Data

A frozen Mac is a common problem that can occur for several reasons. Maybe you’ve installed a new software update, and your computer is taking forever to load up. Or maybe your hard drive has crashed, and you’re not sure how to get started with data recovery. In either case, …

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What Is a VAV Box and How Does It Work?

An air conditioning system is part of a Variable Air Volume (VAV) package. It is situated within the function of the tube. It is designed to control the flow of air to a particular area, called a “zone.” What exactly is it? The VAV regulates air volume to the zone …

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A Step Towards Digitization & Promotion of Automation Practices Over Time in Car Parking Management System

In the year 2019, 948,293 new registered vehicles were reported compared to the year 2012 where there were only 496,716 new registered vehicles increase in a span of 7 years. The statistical reference, the current transportation framework, and the car park management system are insufficient in saving the incursion of …

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Introduction To Plate Heat Exchanger Design – Basics, Types and Usage

Heat exchangers are devices that are used to transfer energy between two fluids that are at different temperatures. They can improve energy efficiency, because the energy that is already inside the system can be easily transferred to some other part of the process, instead of just being wasted by being …

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