With its penetrating gaze, loud howling, and elegant body structure, the Husky irresistibly resembles a domesticated wolf. Some theorists of this race believe that the Husky has a “wolf gene.” It is inevitable because this is a dog of good nature, amiable, and an excellent, faithful companion.
The Siberian Husky is not a dog that can withstand a little attention, irregular performance, lack of activity. They are highly active dogs that use every opportunity to run, wander, and are even rumored to run away. It would be best to provide him with a yard, although it can be nicely kept in the apartment if he walks regularly.
The Siberian Husky, while a puppy, has a pronounced urge to dig and chew, so it is necessary for him to get a lot of toys and milling machines, especially during changing teeth. Also, other dogs can accept small animals (cats, guinea pigs, hamsters, rabbits). Simultaneously, the Husky has a pronounced hunting instinct, so it is not recommended to leave animals in the company of huskies without supervision. He is not suitable for guarding the house, mainly because it does not bark and always welcomes even a stranger.

It has a very mild nature. He likes to play with children and is not biting, so he allows his children to do everything for him. They are adorned with high intelligence. They can be successfully trained, but they get bored of training after a specific time (because they are constantly striving for new challenges), so I would recommend you entrust the house to an experienced trainer. If you want to explore this topic, read more and enjoy enchanting dog bread.
How big do husky dogs get eventually?
The Siberian Husky is a medium-sized dog. They are very durable and robust, elegant in posture and appearance. The body is covered with a thick two-layer fur. The undercoat is soft and provides adequate protection against shallow temperatures. These dogs can withstand the cold even when it is -50 -60 ° C outside.
On the other hand, they adapt well to high temperatures when they completely reject undercoats. The color of the fur is varied, and everything is allowed. The most common combination is black and white, followed by brown-black-white, red-white, gray-white, or completely white. The eyes are almond-shaped, and the most appreciated color is blue.

All eye colors are allowed from ice blue, dark blue, brown, and even when one eye is blue and the other brown, which is often the case. The tail is densely hairy, worn high as a “sickle” when he is happy or interested. The Husky often uses its tail to warm its snout by lying down and curling up.
By standard, the ideal height at the withers for males is between 21-24 inches (53-60 cm) and for females between 20-22 inches (51-56 cm). The preferred weight of males is 20 to 27 kg, and females are slightly lighter than 16 to 23 kg.
The Siberian Husky is a medium-sized working dog, which belongs to the group of polar dogs. It originates from eastern Siberia and belongs to the Spitz family. The breed’s popularity came when the Husky was imported to Alaska, where it served as a towing dog, from where it quickly spread to Canada and the United States. Huskies can be different colors, and they can vary from black and white, gray-white to red-white. The color of the eyes is also different, so although they are best known for their blue eyes, the color can also be brown, and both eyes do not have to be the same color, which is why they are specific.
Training should begin at the age of 8 to 10 months. First of all, you should master the basic exercises of obedience with the dog, where the dog should react to one spoken word. The essential thing is to teach the dog to walk next to the owner, at the same pace as the owner, to obey every command (stop, sit, etc.).

Reward and punishment methods are used in dressage. Punishment or reward should follow immediately after the execution because only in that way will the dog create conditioned reflexes that you will control. It would be best if you always tried with positive incentives, and only exceptionally can punishment be used. The exercises should be short (30 min) and should be repeated long enough until the dog has mastered them.
Behavioral errors and bad habits will develop if the dog is not worked with if the dog does not satisfy his mental and physical activities. It is difficult for dogs to understand some commands, and they should be performed persistently and consistently. You need to invest a lot of patience and love for your pet to master every exercise, regardless of the race.
The Siberian Husky is a very active dog that can run for miles. That energy needs to be expended, so they need intense physical activity. Genetically, they like to pull sleds and enjoy the snow, so children will especially have fun with it during the winter months. The ideal home for them is a house with a yard. On cold days, hair maintenance is not demanding and involves brushing once or twice a week. In the periods of the most intense molting (spring), brushing must be daily.

The Siberian Husky is a breed that does not have frequent health problems. Some of the diseases that affect them are genetic types, such as inflammation or defect of the eye, cataracts, glaucoma, and corneal dystrophy. Interestingly, the Husky almost does not suffer from hip dysplasia at all, unlike other races of similar size and build. The average lifespan of the Siberian Husky is between 12 and 14 years.
What is your favorite breed of dog, and would you consider buying a husky? Is it a big pasture for your household after all, or would you still dare to raise it if the children wanted this house wolf for their pet?