
7 Ways To Help Your Students Improve Their Reading Skills

Reading comprehension is a necessary developmental skill that benefits individuals in their personal and professional lives. When students improve their reading skills, they achieve greater success in all walks of life.

They experience personal growth and have access to more opportunities for a promising future. Teachers play a pivotal role in this journey. They must offer students the necessary support and tools to enhance their reading abilities.

In this article, we will look at some ways you, as a teacher and mentor, can help your students to improve their reading skills.

1. Investing in Advanced Education

Investing in further education can benefit teachers immensely. When educators seek more advanced training, they learn about new methods to teach reading. Such training helps them understand the various needs of their students. With this understanding, they can introduce effective techniques to improve reading and comprehension. One impactful way for educators to gain this expertise is by enrolling in an online degree program in reading and literacy.

This specialized program is designed to improve a teacher’s grasp of language and literacy. By completing this course, teachers can better guide their students. In turn, students get a robust foundation in reading, setting them up for academic success. So, go ahead and enroll in an online masters in reading and literacy and take the first step towards becoming a better teacher.

2. Create a Reading-Friendly Environment


Choosing the right reading materials is essential. It’s important to ensure the content matches their age and maturity level. When students find content that interests them, they are more eager to read. This excitement for reading leads to more time spent with books or texts, which in turn helps them improve their reading skills.

Teachers and parents should always be on the lookout for new and interesting materials that resonate with the students. The goal is to foster a love for reading, and the right book can do just that. So, always pay attention to what the student enjoys and aim to provide more of that, ensuring the content is suitable for their age.

3. Introduce Vocabulary Building Activities

Vocabulary building is crucial for students to improve their reading and communication skills. One effective method is to introduce new words to students regularly. When students encounter and learn new words, it strengthens their language foundation.

Teachers can make this process engaging by using word games. These games can be both fun and educational, making vocabulary learning less tedious. Another helpful tool is flashcards. Students can use them to test their memory and recall.

Additionally, holding discussions about words that students find difficult or unfamiliar during their reading sessions can be very beneficial. Through these discussions, students can gain a deeper understanding of the word’s meaning and usage.

4. Encourage Critical Thinking and Discussion


Engaging students in conversations after they’ve read a text can significantly enhance their understanding of the material. Push them to share their views, raise any queries, and draw links between what they’ve read and what they already know.

These discussions also make students more involved, making reading an interactive experience. They stimulate the mind, challenging students to think beyond the words on the page. As educators, we should create opportunities for these dialogues, ensuring that students don’t just read but also reflect and respond.

5. Use Technology Wisely

Using technology in the classroom offers many advantages, especially when it comes to improving reading skills. Introducing apps and e-books designed for varying reading levels can be highly beneficial for students. These apps can help them with things like translating difficult words, which makes reading more interesting.

However, it’s important to strike a balance. Even with the many tech tools available, traditional reading methods still have their place. So, while embracing digital resources, we should also ensure students continue to engage with physical books. In this way, technology becomes a helpful addition to the learning process rather than a replacement.

6. Foster Regular Reading Habits


Establishing regular reading habits is crucial for improving reading skills. To do this, set a specific time each day for reading. It could be a quiet moment in the morning, during a lunch break, or before sleeping. Consistency is important. When students read daily, they become more familiar with words and sentence structures.

This consistent practice helps them read faster and understand better. It’s like any other skill; the more you practice, the better you get. Encouraging students to pick up a book every day, even if just for a few minutes, can make a significant difference in their reading journey. Over time, this daily habit can lead to noticeable improvements in both speed and understanding.

7. Encourage Note-Taking

When students write down key points, they’re actively engaging with the material. This interaction enhances their comprehension. Notes serve as a handy reference, allowing students to revisit and recall the main ideas from their reading.

They can write short summaries, list down main ideas, or even phrase questions about parts they found challenging. Later, when they look back at these notes, it aids in reinforcing what they’ve learned.


To help students excel in reading, educators must combine effective strategies with dedication. From investing in advanced education to fostering consistent reading habits, each approach plays a crucial role. By implementing these methods, teachers can pave the way for students’ academic and personal success.

About Nina Smith