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Things You Need to Have in Mind When Moving – 2024 Guide

When one decides to move, perhaps the biggest, most challenging task comes in the form of packing. It is not until your decision that you realize just how many things you own and having to pack it all up can be quite exciting for some, while for others it is a truly daunting chore. However, taking certain steps and preparing a few moving essentials can greatly help ease the process and keep you on track, so here are some things to have in mind that can greatly help you save time, make the move easier, and avoid stress and frustration.

1. Planning

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Before anything else, take some time to prepare by making a plan that will help you stay on schedule. Create a timeline with tasks you need to complete each day and include checklists on everything you need to do. This will not only help you stay organized but will also help you avoid additional stress.

2. A Packing Kit

Create a small kit that will include everything you need when you start packing your belongings into boxes. Box tape, colored paper for labeling boxes according to rooms, and sharpies for labeling them according to its contents. Scissors are a must, as well as bubble wrap, trash bags, packing paper, and the likes.

3. Yoyo Box

If you are planning on storing certain household items in remote storage for a while, Yoyo Box is a great portable storage solution. The mobile self-storage service is a great, easy way to store away items for later use and they provide boxes in a variety of sizes to suit your needs. The units are delivered straight to your doorstep and the company even offers loading services if you choose not to do it yourself. It then collects and stores them in the nearest storage facility and returns it to you whenever and wherever you wish.

4. Getting Rid of Things You Don’t Need

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Making a move is the perfect time to decide what items you want to keep and what should be left behind. Although it might not be easy, consider if you actually need and how often you use certain things in your home. Once you have everything sorted out, you can get rid of the things you no longer want by hosting a garage sale or selling them online which is also a great way to earn some extra money. Consider donating some stuff and recycle ones that cannot be donated or sold.

5. An Overnight Bag

Preparing overnight bags for each member of your family with toiletries, toothbrushes, pajamas, and a change of clothes to have on hand on the night of the move will help you avoid having to search through boxes for everything you need. Like this, not only will you save yourself the trouble, but also ensure that everyone can get a good night’s sleep and be refreshed when the time for unpacking comes. If you are one of those who can not have good sleep without its mattress, than you should consider having appropriate plastic bag for it. Maybe it seems unreal, but you can pack it and carry it with you where ever you go. For more information, visit this site.


Even with proper planning, you might still feel overwhelmed due to all the things that need to be done. However, you can follow these suggestions to help make your experience less stressful and easier, and just remember to take it one box at a time.

About Stefania Trtica