Tag Archives: economy

When will Manufacturing Recover?

The speed of recovery of financial markets is the subject of discussion by many economic experts dealing with this topic. For now, there is no general view on how the crisis caused by the virus pandemic will end or at what pace the recovery will go. Addressing the very cause …

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6 Benefits To Extend Your Gig Workers

It’s no secret that gig workers can save your company money. You can save money by hiring contracted workers to tackle jobs in place of traditional employees. To attract and retain talented workers, however, employers have to set themselves apart. That’s just as true in the gig economy as it …

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What are the Benefits of Sustainable Energies for Companies

Every day we hear various things on the news channel about the depletion of natural resources of our planet, that’s happening with a lot higher intensity as each year goes by. Almost every single person that has access to the internet or TV knows that our planet is endangered because …

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A Brief History of the Bitcoin

The majority of the attractive fields of business have a long history. Things are different when we talk about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. This field/topic is quite young and its’ history is not too long. However, it had a huge impact on today’s world. That is a good proof of …

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The Latest Reforms Of The Chinese Foreign Investment Policies

China is one of the strongest countries to enjoy widespread trade in the overseas market. China has a detailed outbound investment policy, which they have been following for a long time. However, for more details, you can check AsiaTimes. But recently in the month of March in the previous year, …

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