Do you have the lucky job of being the one to manage and maintain all logs in your company?
Then you will know first-hand just how much effort it can be to make your logs feel universal. If you are someone who spends much of heir time uncertain about how to manage logs, you should look to get help. And while having two sets of eyes looking over all of the information in a log is better, you need more than just human help.
With the reams of data that one can find on the screen when looking at a log, you can easily become confused. If you take a look at something like, though, you might just find your ideal solution. With the help of software like that, or something similar, you can easily get more accurate assistance with managing your logs.
Instead of having to look through every line yourself, you can easily search and tail information through your logs. What’s more important, though, is that you can give easy access to anyone in your staff who needs log access. Having information from the actual logs can be very useful when it comes to actually try to get your point across.
Now, you can show the exact line in the log that points to an issue that has to be resolved. This can then be used to help you show the consequence of not solving the said issue – something that should really help you to make sure your bosses sit up and take notice!
Why should I Start using a Log Management Tool?

Instead of having to deal with everything from various log sources, you can condense everything into one system. This means that you can quickly and easily comb through every part of your logs from things like MySQL, Apache, Syslog files, Windows events, and even things like firewalls, routers, and so much more.
You will, therefore, be able to manage all of your logs through the one smart and simple system. Most people find it much easier to have a central point where they can take in and build up all of their log information.
This will ensure that you can then look through logs and spot issues, inconsistencies, and patterns. By being able to set universal regulations and rules for how your logs are collected, too, you can ensure that you have a company-wide set of rules your logs must follow.
This ensures that information gathering, selection, and refining is sure to become a much easier experience than it might seem today. If this seems like an investment of your time that you feel is worth making, then you should absolutely do so.
With the help of tools such as Papertrail, you can get more done with far less. You won’t need more human resources to do the job, but simply a solid analytical assistant. That’s why, for most people who manage logs, it’s better to have a log management tools than a colleague!
Are you using a log analyzer? If not, you should be!

For anyone who has to deal with reading and look through logs, it can be an arduous and often tedious process. If you find it to be quite draining, then you do have some excellent solutions that you could look to. For example, a popular way to help make your log management a bit easier is to use a log analyzer. Many analyzers are out there, such as the log analyzer. If you use something like this, you can make your job in general much easier.
If you tend to read through every log on your own, then you should be prepared to invest masses of time into doing so. In a bid to help you spend less time analyzing on your own, use something like the Papertrail log analyzer. Why, though? Why should you us a log analyzer?
Stop taking so long to come to conclusions
While it’s by no means a criticism of yourself, it can take too long to through a log manually. If you try and do this, you will spend a ridiculous amount of time trying to find the correlation in the log to a particular event. If you would like to avoid making that kind of mistake, then you should look to use an analyzer.
This will save you having to go through the logs one by one to find a correlation between one event and the next. Not only will that help you to get more done, but it will ensure you can be more accurate in your assertions.
Make sure you can spot a clear incident

By using an analyzing tool, you can easily and effectively spot the build-up to a critical event. Instead of having to use your own eyes to try and spot a critical incident, you can use an analyzer. This will spot the problem and it will ensure that it is spotted with a good time.
Now, you can spot the critical error within minutes instead of days or weeks. This allows for the rapid correction of the issues you are facing!
Make it easier to spot log similarities
Another good reason for using a log analyzer is that it can help you to spot out trends and other similarities. It can be tough to do so on your own just due to the mass huddles of data on the screen. By using an analysis tool, this should work with you rather than against you to make sure the logs are put in place, managed, and effectively analyzed.
If you are someone who finds it hard to do much of this on your own, then you should invest in some help. Working with an analysis tool is almost certain to ensure that you can get the help that you need to really capture the right kind of log data. Keep that in mind, and you will be far more likely to get the results that you want when you need them.
So what are you looking for? If you want to spot more issues in your logs whilst expending fewer resources, this is the way to do so.