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Boost Your Internet’s Speed – 2024 Hacking Tips

How mad does a slow internet connection make you? Moderately mad or really mad? Well, if we were to answer this question we’d go with REALLY mad. Because nothing is more infuriating than a poor connection especially when you are in the midst of watching your favorite series and the poor video quality just keeps amplifying your frustration. Why is a poor connection a money-drainer after all?

The answer is pretty straightforward. You are paying hefty bills and all you’re getting in return is no internet service. The solution that comes handy in such situations is replacing your service provider if issues persist. You could consider switching to other providers such as Spectrum, for they have triple play deals that guarantee you a better performance at affordable prices. 

Getting a new internet connection is however not as easy as it sounds. Sometimes, you’re just stuck with one for the rest of your life; well if that is the case, the least you can do is to make sure it performs better. In fact, there are a few ‘hacks’ that can boost the speed of your connection, making you less angry at the time of watching your favorite videos. 

Try Restarting Your Router

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Every time there is a bottleneck in your internet connection, nothing beats the easiest solution of all time, i.e. restarting the router. Sometimes restarting the device can fix those bad connectivity issues. Just make sure to keep in mind every time when you turn off the router, there is a break of 10 or more seconds before you restart it. Pausing for 10 seconds before turning the device back on allows its hardware to reset, which upon being turned back on, is set to provide better connectivity and performance. 

Use Ad-Block in Your Browser

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Unnecessary ad pop-ups can affect your browsing experience, which only becomes worse when your internet connection is unstable. Therefore, keep these pop-ups at bay by using ad-blocks in your browser. This allows your browser to fetch information quickly without consuming a lot of data. 

Get Rid of Those DNS Records

Each time you visit a website on your browser, your computer records the information about its IP address, so that the website can load faster in the future when you revisit. That particular record which the computer holds on to is called DNS record. However, these DNS records do not always prove to be a lifesaver in terms of ensuring better internet connectivity.

Sometimes when a website changes its server, these DNS records, in fact, become hard to load, and when that gets mixed with a poorly performing internet connection, everything just adds up to present the worst. Therefore, in order to keep these bottlenecks away, always remember to flush your DNS. 

Frequently Delete Your Browser’s History

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There is nothing worse than an undeleted internet history, which acts as a huge bump in the way towards a smooth working of the connection. Sometimes our internet history keeps getting piled up in the form of downloads, history, cached data, and cookies. All of this makes your internet browser lag behind in promptly loading data. Therefore, every now and then, if you clear all your browser history through the following steps, you would get your internet to work a tad better than before:

  • Click on the vertical dots that appear on the top-right corner of your screen
  • Go to settings and then scroll to the bottom
  • Click on advanced and then click on ‘Clear browsing data’

From there you can select which unnecessary data and files you want to be deleted. Remember to clean up the browsing and download history as well as cookies, because these affect the performance of the internet the most. 

Opt for Ethernet for Better Performance

Nowadays, because everyone, everywhere is using Wi-Fi, the amount of information that is sent through wireless connection has become pretty jam-packed. Therefore when you are using a computer system be sure to opt for Ethernet because that’s where the flow of the internet is better. Since there is lesser traffic across the Ethernet pathway, you will get better connectivity, at least relative to Wi-Fi. 

Consider Upgrading to 5GHz

Wi-Fi works by delivering data over the 2.4GHz band. Realizing this, Wi-Fi companies have now started to make routers that deliver data over an increased band of 5GHz. The 5GHz band has a range-limit and its signals don’t get interrupted by appliances, so getting that for your home will make your internet browsing tremendously faster. 

Always Use VPN

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If most of your internet data is spent watching videos and streaming content, opting for VPN is the way to go. ISPs sometimes slow down the speed for websites that you visit the most. For example, if you use Netflix, your ISP might automatically slow down the flow of data from that site, and you would end up with bad internet experience.

To keep ISPs from messing up with your bandwidth, always use a VPN while streaming video content. Because through VPN, web traffic gets redirected and the ISP fails to create disruptions.

About Suzan Vega