Starting your own website is very exciting, and the entire process is fairly straightforward. The first thing that you need to start your website is to get a web domain and hosting provider. The hosting provider provides the much-needed web servers where each piece of information from your website is stored.
Domain and Web Hosting

You can buy both the domain name and web hosting from multiple providers. But before that, you need to determine the type of website you want.
When it comes to website types, you got 2 options:
Static Websites
These websites usually consist of one or more web pages and they can be built on your computer through software such as Dreamviewer. Then they are to be uploaded to your hosting server using FTP software. Each time you need to make changes to these websites, you will need to edit the pages on your PC and re-upload them again. Static websites strongly use HTML and CSS, are more limited, but are cheaper.
Dynamic Websites
Dynamic websites are much more complicated than static due to the wide range of options that they come with. Dynamic websites are usually used for e-commerce and social networking due to the server-side scripts. These websites allow users to create individual accounts and provide a customizable response for each user on the website. Examples of these websites include forums, photo galleries, blogs, e-commerce sites, and more.
Moving on to the domain and web hosting, we suggest you visit Netspaceindia. It is ideal for a beginner with little to no technical skills.
Hosting Server and Hosting Plan

Websites have applications that run on them, and applications can run on two types of hosting platforms: Linux and Windows. Linus hosting allows scripts written in PHP, Perl, Python, and various other Unix-programming languages. Windows hosting utilizes .NET, ASP, and various other Microsoft-based programming languages. Both of these support MySQL databases.
When it comes to selecting your web hosting plan, there are four basic types which include:
Shared Hosting
Shared hosting means that you will share a server with other website owners, but you will have your own secure space with dedicated login credentials. This type of hosting is very affordable. Learn more about this through Fastcomet.
VPS Hosting
Dedicated Hosting
Dedicated hosting offers you your own server which makes your website faster and securer. This type of hosting is best for larger businesses and high-traffic websites.
Cloud Hosting

Cloud hosting is made out of multiple virtual servers called clouds to work together to host a website or even a group of them. Cloud hosting is very dynamic since it’s not stored on a single server, making it ideal for large traffic spikes. Cloud hosting is a very good option for large websites, although security can sometimes be a concern.
Upload Your Website
If you’re not using WordPress as the software to create your website, then you would need to upload your website to your account by connection to the server using cPannel or other FTP clients. Once your website goes live, simply navigate to cPannel Filer Manager, click on the icon titles “File Manager” and select “Web Root”. Click go and start adding all of your website files under the designated “public_html” folder.