The job search market is very competitive. More and more people are seeking higher levels of education to improve their chances of qualifying for one of the few job positions available.
Having a good education with a nice profile is not enough. Considering the seriousness needed in a job search, job seekers need to evolve and adopt newer ways of seeking employment. They need to be smart and come up with foolproof strategies to ensure they grab employment opportunities as fast as they emerge.
In this article, we are going to highlight ways in which job seekers can increase the probability of landing job opportunities.
Let’s delve into specifics.
Job sites

According to a majority of job seekers, job sites are one of the greatest technological inventions. Recruitment agencies and potential employers flock these job sites in search of ideal candidates.
As much as job seekers try to keep up with job advertisements, they might not know where exactly to look. Job sites such as Zoek allow job seekers to find the latest opportunities to suit their needs.
Job sites use various criteria for job searches. An individual seeking employment browse through a plethora of posted vacancies to find a suitable position. By indicating the position, salary, or industry they are interested in, job sites do a refined search and display results according to the job seeker’s preference.
To further increase employment chances, aspiring employees can upload their CVs on the job sites. This, coupled with the latest career advice regularly posted on these sites, it is only a matter of time before they receive the much-awaited phone call inviting them for an interview.
Be professional
The first thing recruiters look at is a candidate’s level of professionalism. Employers need an employee who can handle themselves professionally in and out of the workplace.
Even as a fresh graduate with no job experience, the level of professionalism displayed is enough to make or break your chances of being hired. Especially, on social media platforms, make sure your interactions are relevant. Avoid posting embarrassing posts or photos.
Instead of focusing on the social aspect of these platforms, go a step further and make meaningful professional connections. Network with employers, hiring managers, and other relevant people. Be unique and stand out. Otherwise, all your efforts might be in vain.
Take advantage of meaningful relationships

As we go about our daily life, we may meet various influential personalities. You may meet some of them in retreats, company meetings, or even at a Sunday brunch with friends. Make a habit of connecting and always making a good first impression. The reason being, they might be of invaluable help in your time of need.
If you know someone who can facilitate employment, call them up, and explain that you are hunting for a job. Also, let them know that their help is much appreciated.
Tap into the hidden job market
Spending the better part of your day applying for advertised positions is only a small portion of the bigger picture. Research has shown that only 20% of employers publicly advertise positions in their organizations. They ‘hide’ applications to avoid an influx of applications that may be overwhelming.
The secret is to spend more time networking and making more direct connections with potential hiring managers. Also, make sure you let all your employed friends know that you are job hunting. That way, you will be in the know when in-house advertisements are made in various companies.
Do not forget conventional job-search methods

Technological advancements have caused a paradigm shift from traditional to contemporary ways of doing things. However, this should not be the case when looking for a job.
Job seekers need to embrace both the conventional and modern methods of job applications. Newspapers are the best place to start. Browse the classified ads in various newspapers and apply for all jobs relevant to your niche.
Cold calling is another way. As uncomfortable as it may seem, it may prove very effective and bring forth unexpected but fulfilling job opportunities.
Last but not least, do walk-ins. Walk into any institution and ask to see the hiring manager. Bring along your resume and other testimonials. Ensure you are well prepared as the probability of being interviewed is high. Research the company details to avoid being clueless when asked basic questions about the company.
Embrace self-improvement
We live in a world where certain skills are vital to ensure a job seeker remains competitive. If you are well educated but do not possess some of the necessary marketable skills in your niche, chances are that you will be unsuccessful in your job search.
Embrace self-improvement and learn invaluable skills to hone your job search. If financial constraints are an obstacle, no need to fret. The internet offers a generous amount of courses for free or at a fraction of the costs of land-based educational institutions. These courses help a great deal in upgrading your job skills.
Have a custom resume

Gone are the days when serious candidates sent generalized resumes and job applications.
In most cases, your resume is the first interaction the hiring manager has with you. As such, it is essential to have a flawless custom resume.
Hiring managers always notice when an applicant takes the time to personalize their application for the job position. It is not only impressive but also shows that the applicant is interested in the position. This alone gives the candidate a competitive edge against their fellow applicants.
The Bottom Line
Job searching is not an easy task. It requires proper planning, dedication, and patience. Also, it needs to be done strategically to reap the most benefits.
Before the commencement of the application process, make sure you know what it is you are looking for. Doing this narrows down your job search and are in a better position to invest your energy in a centralized area.
Generally, the job search process can be daunting, demotivating, and depressing. However, by applying the above strategies, you are one step away from landing your dream job.