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Content Marketing for Tech Startups: Challenges and Solutions

For many businesses online, content marketing will always be an effective and profitable strategy. But most tech startups find the process challenging because their language doesn’t translate well to most of the world’s population. And so many fail to deliver their message to their intended audiences. Despite their expertise in their chosen fields, many tech startups fail to connect with readers. There are several reasons why but none of them is insurmountable with the help of SEO content writing services.

Content Marketing Challenges for Tech Startups and How to Solve Them

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A report revealed that as much as 78% of IT buyers require information and in-depth guidance about their IT environments. And a considerable number only bought products from vendors who can explain what their offerings do in simple terms. Not all tech companies can do that. In fact, most startups struggle with content marketing, possibly due to:

Unfamiliarity with Content Marketing

The tech startup scene is rife with vendors that find it hard to come up with valuable and informative content for their audiences. Why? They often feel they would give out too much information that only paying customers should be privy to. That is an entirely inappropriate attitude, especially for those who are still starting out in the industry. Often, they don’t even think that content marketing is necessary at all.

Solution: Tech startups should understand that content marketing can be a powerful weapon. It can empower them because consumers want something to gain before deciding to invest in their products and services. Content marketing helps tech startups satisfy potential customers’ curiosity and address their pain points, if any. Effective content marketing is also crucial in making websites rank, which in turn makes your brand easily searchable as well as appear helpful, experienced, and trustworthy. All these translate to improvements in tech startups’ bottom line.

Limited Content Marketing Resources

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Tech startups know their products down to the nitty-gritty details. They know what resources they need to make their offerings work. But they don’t have any idea what they need to engage in content marketing. They don’t know much about what the most effective keyword research tools are, what solutions to use to track their website traffic, and what applications can help them determine consumer preferences. Without knowing all these, they can’t determine their target audience’s requirements.

Solution: Providers of SEO content writing services are, on the other hand, experts at getting to know clients’ customers. They can provide tech startups with the resources they need to get their message across. A symbiotic relationship with content providers would thus remove the burden from the startup’s shoulders of producing content that converts readers into customers.

Audience Research Struggles

Tech startups often have their hands full with research to improve their products and services. They don’t have time to get into keyword research or using Google Trends to see what people are talking about. While they may know how to address customer pain points, they may find it challenging to put their thoughts into words. They may also struggle with creating content that even the non-tech-savvy can understand.

Solution: Tech startups should make it a part of their marketing strategy to create tailor-made content that matches the audience’s buying journey. That requires in-depth research to develop various buyer personas before they can even come up with content marketing strategies. It also entails using different tools, such as website analytics and sales team feedback applications, which they may not be adept in.

But because the competition is stiff in the tech industry, startups need not do everything on their own. They can seek out partners (providers of content writing services) who can focus on content marketing while they just concentrate on making their offerings stand out.

Technical Jargon

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Tech experts find it easy to converse with peers and industry colleagues because they don’t need to explain jargon. They struggle, however, to translate technical content for less knowledgeable audiences. Sadly, consumers can be easily turned off by content they can’t relate to. And so they end up in competitors’ websites instead.

Solution: Many providers of SEO content services are experts at translating tech jargon into plain and simple English. Partnering with such a provider is the fastest way to get your content marketing underway. Third-party providers have the necessary skill set and a dedicated team of experts in dissecting technical terms and packaging content that fits audience needs. Content that’s easy to digest brings in more interest and conversion.

Check out Techslang if you want to learn more about this service.

Nonexistent Content Marketing Process

Since most tech startups are unaware of content marketing and how it can help them succeed, they likely don’t have a process. That means their content strategies don’t add up to meeting their business goals, which often leads to failure.

Solution: While it probably costs less to hire writers and marketers, tech startups may not know why it’s more effective to work with providers of SEO services. Third-party SEO companies already have tried-and-tested processes and strategies that work for varying clients. Their teams know how to dive deeper into your industry to understand what content you need. They also have a proven process of doing relevant keyword research to ensure that each piece they come up with meets target audiences’ needs. For more information, you can visit companies such as Voymedia.

Scalability Issues

Some tech startups choose to employ an in-house marketing team to write content. Over time, however, scalability may become an issue. Startups, admittedly, have an uncertain future, and so may find it hard to maintain its own or even grow its marketing team when it’s still building a name. It may run the risk of hiring

too quickly then end up just letting staff go due to unscalable operation costs.

Solution: Outsourcing the content creation process to a trustworthy provider of SEO services can address scalability issues. Scaling up or down would become the responsibility of a chosen agency, depending on the startup’s requirements. This strategy also allows the startup to reduce operation and maintenance costs that it would’ve had to spend to keep an internal marketing team.

Tech startups already struggle with breaking barriers to put their brands out there; they don’t have to go it alone when rising above the competition as well. They can make their content marketing effective by seeking proven providers of SEO content writing services.

About Suzan Vega